Ensembl Api: How To Print All Transcript Isoforms As A Multifasta Alignment
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13.6 years ago


I would like to print out the different transcript isoforms as a multifasta alignment using the Ensembl API by projecting the coding regions in genomic coordinates to the CDS sequences in a multi-alignment. For example, for gene with 5 isoforms, something that looks like this:


Any ideas?


ensembl transcript isoform multiple fasta • 4.1k views
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13.6 years ago
Jeff Hussmann ▴ 120

Here is a script to do this. I happened to have recently made the main tool required (code to find the "mask" in genomic coordinates of all coding sequences of all isoforms of a gene), and it was still a little messy to throw together. Attempt to read the code at your own risk.

Give the script an ENSG(d+) stable id at the command line and get ENSG${1}_aligned_isoforms.fasta out. This is essentially instant on a local installation of the Ensembl database but takes ~30 seconds if connecting to ensembldb.ensembl.org. If you need to do this for more than a few genes, you will want to install locally.


use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
use warnings;

my $registry = 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry';

    -host => 'ensembldb.ensembl.org',
    -user => 'anonymous',
    -port => 5306

my $gene_name = shift or die "Give an ENSG at the command line";

# Set up database adaptors
my $gene_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor("human", "core", "gene");
my $transcript_adaptor = $registry->get_adaptor("human", "core", "transcript");

my $gene = $gene_adaptor->fetch_by_stable_id($gene_name);
open(OUTPUT, ">" . $gene->stable_id . "_aligned_isoforms.fasta");
my $strand = $gene->strand;

# Build the combined set of intervals in genomic coordinates that all isoforms' coding sequences cover 
my ($left_endpoints, $right_endpoints) = get_combined_coding_regions($gene);

# For convenience, compute the partial sums of the lengths of these intervals in the strand-appropriate direction
$partial_lengths = partial_lengths($left_endpoints, $right_endpoints, $strand);

my $transcripts = $gene->get_all_Transcripts;
for my $transcript (@$transcripts) {
    my $has_coding_region = 0;
    # Initialize this isoform's sequence to all gap
    my $sequence = '-' x $partial_lengths->[@$partial_lengths - 1];
    my $exons = $transcript->get_all_Exons;
    for my $exon (@$exons) {
    my $coding_region_start = $exon->coding_region_start($transcript);
    my $coding_region_end = $exon->coding_region_end($transcript);
    if ($coding_region_start) {
        $has_coding_region = 1;
        my $length = $coding_region_end - $coding_region_start + 1; 
        # Find the left edge of this exon's coding sequence in the alignment's coordinate system
        my $aligned_left = slice_coords_to_aligned_coords($coding_region_start, $coding_region_end, $left_endpoints, $right_endpoints, $partial_lengths, $strand);
        # Fill in the appropriate region of this isoform's aligned sequence with this exon's coding sequence 
        substr($sequence, $aligned_left, $length) = $exon->slice->subseq($coding_region_start, $coding_region_end, $strand);
    if ($has_coding_region) {
    print OUTPUT ">" . $gene->stable_id . "-" . $transcript->stable_id . "\n";
    print OUTPUT $sequence;
    print OUTPUT "\n";

sub get_combined_coding_regions {
    my $gene = shift @_;
    my $transcripts = $gene->get_all_Transcripts;
    my @left_endpoints;
    my @right_endpoints;
    my $slice = undef;
    my $strand = undef;
    my $sequence = "";
    for my $transcript (@$transcripts) {
    my $exons = $transcript->get_all_Exons;
    for my $exon (@$exons) {
        $slice = $exon->slice unless ($slice);
        $strand = $exon->strand unless ($strand);
        my $crs = $exon->coding_region_start($transcript);
        my $cre = $exon->coding_region_end($transcript);
        if ($crs) {
        insert_endpoints($crs, $cre, \@left_endpoints, \@right_endpoints);
    return (\@left_endpoints, \@right_endpoints);

sub insert_endpoints {
    my ($new_left, $new_right, $left_endpoints, $right_endpoints) = @_;
    my $number_existing = @$left_endpoints;  
    my ($new_left_region, $new_right_region);
    my ($new_left_in, $new_right_in) = (0, 0);
    if ($number_existing == 0) {
    push @$left_endpoints, $new_left;
    push @$right_endpoints, $new_right;
    if ($new_right < $left_endpoints->[0]) {
    $new_left_region = $new_right_region = 0;
    } elsif ($new_left > $right_endpoints->[$number_existing - 1]) {
    $new_left_region = $new_right_region = $number_existing;
    } else {
    my $i = 0;
    while ($right_endpoints->[$i] < $new_left) {
    $new_left_region = $i;
    if ($left_endpoints->[$i] <= $new_left) {
        $new_left_in = 1;
    $i = $number_existing - 1;
    while ($left_endpoints->[$i] > $new_right) {
    $new_right_region = $i;
    if ($right_endpoints->[$i] >= $new_right) {
        $new_right_in = 1;
    my $length = $new_right_region - $new_left_region + ($new_left_region != $new_right_region || $new_left_in || $new_right_in ? 1 : 0);
    splice @$left_endpoints, $new_left_region, $length, ($new_left_in ? $left_endpoints->[$new_left_region] : $new_left);
    splice @$right_endpoints, $new_left_region, $length, ($new_right_in ? $right_endpoints->[$new_right_region] : $new_right);

sub partial_lengths {
    my ($left_endpoints, $right_endpoints, $strand) = @_;
    my @partials = (0);
    my $length = 0;
    if ($strand == 1) {
    for (my $j = 0; $j <= @$left_endpoints - 1; $j++) {
        $length += $right_endpoints->[$j] - $left_endpoints->[$j] + 1;
        push @partials, $length;
    } else {
    for (my $j = @$left_endpoints - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) {
        $length += $right_endpoints->[$j] - $left_endpoints->[$j] + 1;
        push @partials, $length;
    return \@partials;

sub slice_coords_to_aligned_coords {
    my ($left, $right, $left_endpoints, $right_endpoints, $partial_lengths, $strand) = @_;
    my $index_from_front = 0;
    my $index_from_back = @$left_endpoints - 1;
    if ($strand == 1) {
    while ($right_endpoints->[$index_from_front] < $right) {
    return ($left - $left_endpoints->[$index_from_front]) + $partial_lengths->[$index_from_front];
    } else {
    while ($left_endpoints->[$index_from_back] > $left) {
    return ($right_endpoints->[$index_from_back] - $right) + $partial_lengths->[$index_from_front];
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precisely what I needed. thx!

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13.6 years ago
Ketil 4.1k

Not quite what you ask for, but you could put the isoforms in a fasta file, and align them into an ACE file using e.g. CAP3 - probably specifying parameters that allow for relatively large indels and few substitutions. Converting the alignment to fasta should be easy, I wrote a tool for it (ace2fasta from http://hackage.haskell.org/package/clustertools), but you can probably find lots of others.

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Thanks, but no thanks, aligning is exactly what I want to avoid, I just want to project from the genome reference coordinates.

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but what do you do in the case of overlapping coding sequences? in this case, the idea of "projecting them into the multifasta alignment" isnt so obvious, and then isn't a full alignment necessary?

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Okay. I suppose you might have to write a little script to do this - it shouldn't be hard, I think.

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6 months ago
cmdcolin ★ 4.0k

a paper published in 2018 about this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6508070/ there is a 2023 update too https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10166558/

"Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is a classic problem in computational genomics. In typical use, MSA software is expected to align a collection of homologous genes, such as orthologs from multiple species or duplication-induced paralogs within a species. Recent focus on the importance of alternatively-spliced isoforms in disease and cell biology has highlighted the need to create MSAs that more effectively accommodate isoforms. MSAs are traditionally constructed using scoring criteria that prefer alignments with occasional mismatches over alignments with long gaps. Alternatively spliced protein isoforms effectively contain exon-length insertions or deletions (indels) relative to each other, and demand an alternative approach. Some improvements can be achieved by making indel penalties much smaller, but this is merely a patchwork solution. In this work we present Mirage, a novel MSA software package for the alignment of alternatively spliced protein isoforms. Mirage aligns isoforms to each other by first mapping each protein sequence to its encoding genomic sequence, and then aligning isoforms to one another based on the relative genomic coordinates of their constitutive codons. Mirage is highly effective at mapping proteins back to their encoding exons, and these protein-genome mappings lead to extremely accurate intra-species alignments; splice site information in these alignments is used to improve the accuracy of inter-species alignments of isoforms. Mirage alignments have also revealed the ubiquity of dual-coding exons, in which an exon conditionally encodes multiple open reading frames as overlapping spliced segments of frame-shifted genomic sequence."


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