When I run variants_reduction script of Annovar for the mouse variant file, it shows as follows, but this script should support for non-human variants according to the manual, Any suggestions? thank you!
$ variants_reduction.pl snps.annovar mm10db/ -protocol nonsyn_splicing,genomicSuperDups,SC_MOUSE_GENOMES.genotype.vcf,dominant -operation g,rr,f,m -out reduce -buildver mm10 &
Error in argument: the --buildver argument must be 'hg18' or 'hg19'
Hi, Neilfws,
I've contacted with author for clarification and he suggested me to use table_annovar.pl instead of using reduction.pl.
But please go ahead to contact with author since table_annovar can only produce a table that can be opend in excel but I do need to filter variants from sanger mouse dbsnp data and then I will generate a excel spreadsheet.
also when I run table_annovar.pl
It did not work because SC_MOUSE_GENOMES.genotype.vcf ( downloaded from Sanger) is not a default data under mm10. I do need to figure this out but it is a little complex now.
I forget to mention that mm10db is the data package that i downloaded exactly according to the ANNOVAR manual. there is no variants or dbsnp data in this package. so I have to download variant data (SC_MOUSE_GENOMES.genotype.vcf), but it did not work for table_annovar.pl at all