So basically, I wonder if there is any API for working with 1000 genome data - to makes it easier to parse the VCF file. For example, I would like to see how many people have variants in gene "CHAT", and then generate the corresponding VCF file, and running variant effect predictor on that vcf file.
I am fine to make my own pipeline to some extend, but I could not discover how to get the VCF file with individual information for a given gene automatically.
using the ucsc mysql server, get the coordinate of the gene "CHAT", build the 100G URL and the region, and xargs to tabix:
mysql --user=genome -A -D hg19 -N -e 'select concat("",K.chrom,".phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz"),concat(RIGHT(K.chrom,LENGTH(chrom)-3),":",MIN(K.txStart)+1,"-",MAX(K.txEnd)) from knownGene as K,kgXref as X where and X.geneSymbol="CHAT" ' | xargs ./tabix-0.2.5/tabix -h
10 50817173 rs186028903 C T 100 PASS ERATE=0.0005;AA=C;THETA=0.0032;RSQ=0.6818;L
10 50817210 rs80200823 G C 100 PASS AC=258;AA=G;AN=2184;LDAF=0.1214;VT=SNP;ERATE
10 50817321 rs190746084 G T 100 PASS AVGPOST=0.9963;THETA=0.0015;RSQ=0.3962;AA=G
10 50817546 rs139389571 C A 100 PASS LDAF=0.0052;AA=C;AVGPOST=0.9966;RSQ=0.7248;
10 50817665 rs183262975 C A 100 PASS THETA=0.0039;RSQ=0.6013;AA=C;AN=2184;VT=SNP
10 50817698 rs150036809 G A 100 PASS LDAF=0.0120;AA=G;AN=2184;RSQ=0.4837;VT=SNP;
10 50817735 rs8178981 C T 100 PASS AA=C;AN=2184;VT=SNP;THETA=0.0006;AC=14;RSQ=0.
10 50817751 rs12774253 C T 100 PASS AC=268;AA=C;RSQ=0.9685;AN=2184;THETA=0.0008;
10 50817803 rs191436474 G T 100 PASS ERATE=0.0005;THETA=0.0002;AA=G;AN=2184;LDAF
10 50817960 rs182461778 G A 100 PASS THETA=0.0002;AA=G;AN=2184;AC=20;RSQ=0.3961;
10 50818011 rs885835 C T 100 PASS AA=C;AN=2184;ERATE=0.0025;AVGPOST=0.9357;VT=SN
can you make some comment what "concat(RIGHT(K.chrom,LENGTH(chrom)-3),":",MIN(K.txStart)-1,"-",MAX(K.txEnd)) from knownGene as K,kgXref as X where and X.geneSymbol="x" is ?! thanks :)
K.chrom,LENGTH(chrom)-3) : remove the "chr' prefix
MIN(K.txStart)-1: left/min part of the area. Hum that should be +1 , not -1.. I'll fix it.
,MAX(K.txEnd): right part of the area.
Thanks a lot !
It was working nicely - but now I am facing
[ti_index_load] wrong magic number.
[ti_index_load] fail to load the index: ALL.chr10.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz.tbi
[tabix] failed to load the index file.
hi, my friend... is the SNP archive like "phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps" often updated? If it is often updated, where can I find the information to update the information like "phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz" in your one-liner?
hi, my friend, I found "The 1000 genomes snp and short indel all get submitted to dbSNP....." in this link "". Is there any one-liner or programmatically method to get the similiar result from dbSNP?
If I have got the elements for our own SNP as below:
Flank DNA;
The gene name.
How can we retrieve data related with our own SNP from dbSNP programmatically?
can you make some comment what "concat(RIGHT(K.chrom,LENGTH(chrom)-3),":",MIN(K.txStart)-1,"-",MAX(K.txEnd)) from knownGene as K,kgXref as X where and X.geneSymbol="x" is ?! thanks :)
K.chrom,LENGTH(chrom)-3) : remove the "chr' prefix MIN(K.txStart)-1: left/min part of the area. Hum that should be +1 , not -1.. I'll fix it. ,MAX(K.txEnd): right part of the area.
see Genomic cordinates from UCSC
How about also adding a specific region ?! say from 50817173 to 50817735 ! I appreciate your help
Thanks a lot ! It was working nicely - but now I am facing
[ti_index_load] wrong magic number. [ti_index_load] fail to load the index: ALL.chr10.phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz.tbi [tabix] failed to load the index file.
What could be the reason ?!
I feel stupid to say, but this piece does not work :( !
hi, my friend... is the SNP archive like "phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps" often updated? If it is often updated, where can I find the information to update the information like "phase1_release_v3.20101123.snps_indels_svs.genotypes.vcf.gz" in your one-liner?
I took the first VCF in the 1000G project I found. It should work for any tabix-indexed VCF on the web.
hi, my friend, I found "The 1000 genomes snp and short indel all get submitted to dbSNP....." in this link "". Is there any one-liner or programmatically method to get the similiar result from dbSNP?
If I have got the elements for our own SNP as below:
How can we retrieve data related with our own SNP from dbSNP programmatically?