I am trying to run Pindel on a RNA-seq reads-to-genome BAM file, created with the STAR aligner, and I am getting a segfault.
I checked the Pindel code out with svn:
svn checkout https://trac.nbic.nl/svn/pindel/trunk pindel-0.2.4w
A pindel-0.2.4w/test
A pindel-0.2.4w/test/SmallTest
A pindel-0.2.4w/Makefile
A pindel-0.2.4w/README
U pindel-0.2.4w
Checked out revision 508.
Apparently this is supposed to be version 0.2.4w? (According to this old answer: https://trac.nbic.nl/pipermail/pindel-users/2013-May/000271.html)
And I used this command to run Pindel:
pindel -i AMLTEST8FI_bam_config.txt -f ${ref_dir}/GRCh37_UCSC.fa -c ALL -o ${output_dir}/AMLTEST8FI --report_close_mapped_reads
The contents of the config file are:
${input_dir}/AMLTEST8FI.bam 130 AMLTEST8FI
The last few lines of stdout before the error are:
Reads already used: 16
Far ends already mapped 92
Checksum of far ends: 9870976
Searching some type of variant, replace this with the correct name in child class ...
Total: 9 +6 -3
Sorting and outputing short insertions ...
Short insertions: 1
Total: 148; Close_end_found 148; Far_end_found 92; Used 25.
For LI and BP: 56
LI: maxInsertSize: 130
Breakpoints for large insertions (LI): 0
Mining, Sorting and output LI results: 0 seconds.
Other unassigned breakpoints (BP): 0
Mining, Sorting and output BP results: 0 seconds.
There are 0 split-reads saved for the next cycle.
Processing chromosome: chr1_gl000191_random
Chromosome Size: 106433
NumBoxes: 61287 BoxSize: 10
NumBoxes: 61287 BoxSize: 10
/opt/sge/spool/node0046/job_scripts/2500151: line 16: 3856 Segmentation fault pindel -i AMLTEST8FI_bam_config.txt -f /genesis/scratch/clingenetics/reference_genomes/UCSC_GRCh37/GRCh37_UCSC.fa -c ALL -o /genesis/scratch/clingenetics/lswanson_test/CLINGEN-747_implement_pindel/step_10/AMLTEST8FI/AMLTEST8FIFLOWCELL_7/AML_Clinical_Pipeline_1.0.0_2013_06_13/star/pindel/AMLTEST8FI --report_close_mapped_reads
Any idea what the problem might be?
~Thanks, Lucas Swanson
I cloned the source code:
But the 'RELEASE' file suggests that it is still 0.2.4w:
Is the RELEASE file simply out-of-date?