Consider if you have a peak file from (as an example from MACS tool) and you are interested in knowing which are the refseq genes present near each peak.
how it can be done?
Thank you in advance.
Consider if you have a peak file from (as an example from MACS tool) and you are interested in knowing which are the refseq genes present near each peak.
how it can be done?
Thank you in advance.
In Bioconductor, the ChIPpeakAnno package is one way; the biomaRt, rtracklayer, org*, GenomicFeatures, and GenomicRanges packages provide flexibility for more advanced annotation.
The Cistrome analysis pipeline, a Galaxy instance with ChIP-seq specific functionality from Tao Liu, the author of MACS, has tools to do this:
Specifically the peak2gene tool under 'Annotate and Visualize':
Input a peak file, and It will search each peak on UCSC GeneTable to get the refGenes near the peak summit/center.
If you want to run it yourself, the implementation is available. The Galaxy XML file is:
and the script is:
This tool does the gene enrichment analysis, which is one step further:
Hey! I have a small problem with the output section of GREAT, may be I am missing a step can you help me?
My input file looks like this
Chr chrm_start Chrm_End
and when give this file as an input to GREAT, the result section
The result section of genomic region->gene association some how misses the regions and only shows me genes and distance from TSS . Can you tell me what I am missing ....
bedtools closestBed can do this.
HOMER : http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/ngs/annotation.html Inputs : peak file and genome build
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is giving me error. This is what my peak file looks likeIt just fails I don't know why...
peak2gene implementation @cistrone is failing to give me result. I don't know why but after loading my peak file as soon as I execute the program it fails.