When http://nodalpoint.org/ was still alive (... ;-) ) I suggested to use a XSLT stylesheet to import a pubmed xml into a database. I quickly wrote a XSLT to insert the some pubmed articles into a sqlite3 database. See https://github.com/lindenb/xslt-sandbox/blob/master/stylesheets/bio/ncbi/pubmed2sqlite.xsl . here , I only use 3 tables but the schema could be far more complicated.
$ xsltproc --novalid stylesheets/bio/ncbi/pubmed2sqlite.xsl "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=9891771,21378989&retmode=xml"
create table if not exists Journal
medlineTA TEXT
create table if not exists PubmedArticle
title TEXT,
abstract TEXT,
nlmUniqueID TEXT,
FOREIGN KEY(nlmUniqueID ) REFERENCES Journal(nlmUniqueID)
create table if not exists Author
lastName TEXT,
foreName TEXT,
position INT,
FOREIGN KEY(pmid ) REFERENCES PubmedArticle(pmid)
create unique index if not exists Author2Article on Author(lastName,foreName,pmid);
begin transaction;
insert or ignore into Journal(nlmUniqueID,medlineTA) values ('7609767','Ann Chir Gynaecol');
insert or ignore into PubmedArticle(pmid,title,abstract,nlmUniqueID) values ('9891771','Prognosis and surveillance of gastrointestinal stromal/smooth muscle tumors.','','7609767');
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Emory','T S','9891771',1);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('O''Leary','T J','9891771',2);
insert or ignore into Journal(nlmUniqueID,medlineTA) values ('9216904','Nat Genet');
insert or ignore into PubmedArticle(pmid,title,abstract,nlmUniqueID) values ('21378989','Truncating mutations in the last exon of NOTCH2 cause a rare skeletal disorder with osteoporosis.','Hajdu-Cheney syndrome is a rare autosomal dominant skeletal disorder with facial anomalies, osteoporosis and acro-osteolysis. We sequenced the exomes of six unrelated individuals with this syndrome and identified heterozygous nonsense and frameshift mutations in NOTCH2 in five of them. All mutations cluster to the last coding exon of the gene, suggesting that the mutant mRNA products escape nonsense-mediated decay and that the resulting truncated NOTCH2 proteins act in a gain-of-function manner.','9216904');
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Isidor','Bertrand','21378989',1);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Lindenbaum','Pierre','21378989',2);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Pichon','Olivier','21378989',3);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Bézieau','Stéphane','21378989',4);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Dina','Christian','21378989',5);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Jacquemont','Sébastien','21378989',6);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Martin-Coignard','Dominique','21378989',7);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Thauvin-Robinet','Christel','21378989',8);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Le Merrer','Martine','21378989',9);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Mandel','Jean-Louis','21378989',10);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('David','Albert','21378989',11);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Faivre','Laurence','21378989',12);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Cormier-Daire','Valérie','21378989',13);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Redon','Richard','21378989',14);
insert or ignore into Author(lastName,foreName,pmid,position) values ('Le Caignec','Cédric','21378989',15);
commit transaction;
$ xsltproc --novalid stylesheets/bio/ncbi/pubmed2sqlite.xsl "http://eutils.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/eutils/efetch.fcgi?db=pubmed&id=9891771,21379889&retmode=xml"| sqlite3 test.db
$ sqlite3 test.db 'select * from Journal'
7609767|Ann Chir Gynaecol
101484507|Prov Med Surg J (1840)
note: Mark asked me his question by mail, and I suggested him to use biostars.org to get the answers from the community.
I just found the archived post on nodalpoint http://archive.nodalpoint.org/2006/06/07/medline_xml_to_database_parser