hi everyone I'm dealing with some sequenced genome , my purpose is to design a pipeline to annotate a large numbers of sequence variants throughout the sequenced genomes, for now i'm working on SNP ,a lot of tools and scripts exists to annotate the exonic snps (annovar,dbNSFP,Polyphen,Sift..) ,so my work with this kind SNP is done .
Since these regions (exonic) only account for little fraction of the human genome ,it may be interesting to shift the research efforts on the the intronic snp , snp on splice site ,snp on transcription factor , an idea is to see if a nucleotide is conserved throughout the evolution (alignment between different species) , if it's highly conserved , we could say it's an important allele an its alteration may be affecting the regulation of some gene .
if someone has something to propose for the in silico study of non exonic snp (intronic ,utr 3 , utr 5 , intergenic) ,please share your ideas .