I have a bed peak file from the ChIP-seq experiment (around 200bp each interval) . how can I find the motifs in each interval and output to a bed file?
I then can intersect it with the SNP bed file using bedtools.
I have a bed peak file from the ChIP-seq experiment (around 200bp each interval) . how can I find the motifs in each interval and output to a bed file?
I then can intersect it with the SNP bed file using bedtools.
If I understood correctly:
You have genomic intervals and want to identify common motifs between them. If so, then:
Use bedtools getfasta
to extract sequences for each of the intervals in a BED file.
bedtools getfasta -fi GENOME.fa -bed ChIP-seq.bed -fo ChIP-seq.fa
to analyze your sequences (ChIP-seq.fa
) for shared pattern (motif).
You have SNP bed and want to see in those SNPs overlap binding sites. If so, then:
all you need is bedtools intersect
to screen for overlaps between SNPs and ChiP-Seq peaks.
bedtools intersect -a ChIP-seq.bed -b SNP.bed
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I want to have the intervals of the all the TF motifs that occur at the ChIP-seq bed file, and then intersect the motif coordinates with the SNP coordinates. Can MEME do it? Thank you for your response.
Ok, now I get it. You can still use MEME. Output will look like this example MEME output. Extract motif
start position
and add motif length to it.I was wondering if there any software can do it automatically, thanks!