I am trying to generate reports in Excel that include hyperlinks to the Gene Details provided for my organisms in IMG, but I've so far been unable to find a way to automatically generate the relevant URLs given the gene locus tags.
If you have the object identifiers, it's easy enough to throw that into a URL and get the relevant pages like so:
but I can't find a comparable keyword for the gene locus, if there even is one. Maybe as an alternative there is a way to link to gene search results using the locus as a search term? As far as I can tell, though, the search terms are not ever passed through the URL:
I'm also open to alternative suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Have you tried sending a reconstructed POST search as GET request?
The web developer toolkit plugin for firefox has a handy form tool called "convert POSTs to GETs". of course this cgi might be explicitly looking for POST. It doesn't much care for: http://img.jgi.doe.gov/cgi-bin/w/main.cgi?page=geneSearchForm&searchTerm=Synpcc7942_B2623&searchFilter=locus_tag_list&seqstatus=both&domainfilter=All&displayType=list
This is a valid complaint on your part. Not providing bookmarkable URLs to searches is a big no-no in web application development!