I've been using automated quality report tools such as affyAnalysisQC for looking at array dataset quality for some time now. However, most packages/systems for that purpose (in Bioconductor or otherwise) don't support the whole transcript-style Gene ST arrays. In the case of R packages, most of the packages used the Affy package to read in the array data, and Affy wasn't designed for & no longer supports the new style arrays. Does any pipeline for QC that supports these arrays exist? Affy's own ExpressionConsole is not very useful or much fun to work with. In the end it seems like I might just want to customize affyAnalysisQC to support these, but I won't have time to work on that for a while.
Edit: arrayQualityMetrics works. Are there any others? ArrayTools apparently supports GeneST 1.0, but it uses annotation bundled with it and I'm working with Gene ST 2.0