Dear all,
I having trouble with analyzing my ChIP-seq data. I have an IP, input with replica (ChIP1, Input1, ChIP2, Input2). I merged the alignement files (.bam hg19) with bamtools merge, then called peaks. The problem is merging summs the reads at a given position. Like:
So, the final goal is, how to merge the samples as the read numbers averaged not summed at same positions?
Regards, Laszlo
Hi Davis,
I can count the read number for given regions with coverageBed for the samples, then create a coverage file that contains the average for the two, but from then you can't call peaks. I need to do this somehow manipulating sam/bam headers. Any suggestions?
If you want to call peaks, just merge the BAM files and call peaks. It is not possible to "average" two BAM files.
Thank you! Saved my time