MATCHES - Number of non-repeat matches.
MISMATCHES - Number of mismatches.
REPMATCHES - Number of repeat matches.
NCOUNT - Number of Ns.
QNUMINSERT - Number of inserts in query.
QBASEINSERT - Number of bases inserted in query.
SNUMINSERT - Number of inserts in subject.
SBASEINSERT - Number of bases inserted in subject.
STRAND - Strand.
Q_ID - Query ID.
Q_LEN - Query length.
Q_BEG - Query begin.
Q_END - Query end.
S_ID - Subject ID.
S_LEN - Subject length.
S_BEG - Subject begin.
S_END - Subject end.
BLOCKCOUNT - Block count.
BLOCKSIZES - Block sizes.
Q_BEGS - Query sequence blocks begins.
S_BEGS - Subject sequence blocks begins.
If yes, you would probably begin by sorting with Query IDs, i.e.
sort -k10,10
sort -k10,10 -k2,2g ..would sort queries and then within queries mismatches from least to most
sort -k10,10 -k2,2g output.psl | sort -u -k10,10 --merge > bestHitsWithThisCriteria.psl ..would give you a file with "best hits" with this criteria, but really, you have to decide what makes a best hit.
yes the output is in the tabular form...i was going through this paper here i request you to look at how they have selected the region with best hit!! i donot understand how have they utlized this on their .psl output
Maybe they used some other output? Their formula includes "match score" which is missing from your output if it's as above..