Hi guys, This might a ridiculously simple question on makefiles so bear with me :)
Im looking at implementing makefiles for my next-gen sequencing processing instead of tying everything up in bash scripts. The Makefile below uses fasta files and runs them using the BLASTX alignment program PAUDA). Im able to run the Makefile using individual files, but when I run this on multiple files (using the % pattern syntax), I just end up making one file called %.blastx. Ive had problems with this for a while, so Im really keen to find a solution asap
all: %.blastx
rm -f *.sam *.pna
%.pna: %.fasta
sh $(PDA_PATH)/z3_dna2pna.sh $< $@
%.sam: %.pna
sh $(PDA_PATH)/z4_bowtie-on-pna.sh $< $@ $(DB)
%.blastx: %.fasta %.sam
$(PDA_PATH)/z5_sam2blastx.sh $^ $@ $(DB)
Btw, is this question borderline off-topic?