I am using DEXSeq to find deferentially expressed exons. But I wonder except for the statistics, is it possible to calculate the average/mean of the exon expressions in each condition/groups? If true, how?
I am using DEXSeq to find deferentially expressed exons. But I wonder except for the statistics, is it possible to calculate the average/mean of the exon expressions in each condition/groups? If true, how?
The counts()
function can take an ExonCountSet
object and return the raw or normalized counts. The easiest thing to do, then, would be to c <- counts(ecs, normalized=T)
and then just apply(c, 1,...)
appropriately on the results.
Edit: I should have browsed SEQanswers first. Apparently this is even easier to do with estimatelog2FoldChanges
(presumably `getOnlyEffects=T). I'd never noticed that option before!
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