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13.8 years ago
Hi, I have used the BreakDancer (http://breakdancer.sourceforge.net/) to call structure variants and then used Tigra_SV to perform the assembly of structural variants. Now I have obtained the local assembly from Tigra_SV (http://genome.wustl.edu/software/tigra_sv), but I did not know how to remove false positives of SV and precisely define breakpoint using this result. I am new to next generation sequencing so any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
@Junfeng -- i am at the same stage as you are. I have the breakdancer output and done the tigra_sv assembly but am wondering how to precisely define breakpoint using the output. were you able to resolve your query? Any comment is highly appreciated...!Thanks
You can try CREST http://www.nature.com/nmeth/journal/v8/n8/full/nmeth.1628.html.