I work with Metatranscriptomics data(sequenced using Illumina technology). I did de-novo transcriptome assembly using SOAP-Denovo-Trans assembler and now looking for a tool/software that could help me out to find the total number of overlapped reads involved to form a single contig to understand how good or bad the coverage is.
Any suggestions could be helpful.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you for the comment Alex.
the problem is that the data I work with is in Fasta format,is there an option to convert fasta file to the format that could be acceptable by BEDOPS like BAM/SAM.Does it works?
It will depend on your Fasta file and whether it already contains coordinate and chromosome information (in the header, for instance). If not, you'll need to align your sequences to a reference genome to turn into BAM, SAM or PSL, and convert from there into BED with a conversion script (such as those in BEDOPS).
No actually the header line has only the sequence ID,and for most of the organisms doesn't exist any reference genome yet so I guess I can't do, even this is the reason I did de-novo transcriptome assembly