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11.2 years ago
I'm working on several rough genomes and am looking for ways to improve the assemblies. I have a linear genome, but it contains both gaps and missing sequence at the 5' and 3' end. I have a little bit of new sequence, and need a tool that will try to fill these gaps and extend the end of my linear genome. I've tried Gapfiller
, which helped a little, but only for interior gaps and not exterior extension. Any thoughts?
I've never tried this but can you pad your 5' and 3' sequence with Ns and then do a reference assembly. It could also be an issue with the way the library was prepared resulting in the lack of reads for the ends.
Thanks for the input... As far as I can tell, adding N's to each end of my genome won't work with Gapfiller, which requires a read to stretch the gap being filled. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Do you know of any software that can do this?
Depending on your sequencing strategy this can be very useful: http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/FLASH/