I am looking into a number of protein models I have obtained. After gathering resons to believe that the models I found hold some truth, to look deeper into the model, I find I would need another tool... Does some kind of program or tool exit which can be used to manually mode the parts of a protein model, so as to examine it closely, and easily? I imagine something like a program linking a pair of gloves to the computer in such a way that one could virtually "grab" the protein and move the desired parts. It is something which goes some steps further than regular protein visualization software. It would be something like what can be seen in this video: idav.ucdavis.edu/~okreylos/ResDev/KeckCAVES/VRProtoShop.mpeg
The video is from one such program I have found, called "ProteinShop" or ProtoShop. However, it is available only for linux Machines, and for Mac. I have windows only at the time... (I know: "migrate to Linux"... Nevertheless, I cannot do that anytime soon enough...) So, does anybody have experience with such king of programs? Is somebody aware of any alternatives to "ProteinShop"? (preferrably with a Windows version...) Thanks a lot in advance.
P.S. The closest thing I have found working on my machine is using the "Foldit" standalone game to modify my structures, and then save the results as pdb archives. It is somewhat cumbersome, though.
Short term: How about installing linux into a virtual machine on your windows box and using the program that you found?
Long term: Figure out how to migrate off of Windows as your primary OS for bioinformatics work ASAP ;-) You could then install windows into a virtual machine on the new platform you pick (linux or mac).
Actually, yes, I suspect that the long term option will likely be a migration to Linux... I'd better get to grips with it as soon as I can... Cheers! ;)