Hello, Biostars. I want to look for over-represented transcription factor binding sites for a given set of genes. I have learned a lot from similar questions in Biostar and papers. But I still have a problem and can't find the precise answer. According to papers, the promoter region contains 5'UTR, INTROS, upstream or downstream of TSS. For the uptream or downstream, I don't know how many bps should I take(the specie is Mouse). In papers, it's different one from another and I didn't find the basic principles to do it. Could you give me some suggestions or give me some reference? Thanks.
Thanks.GATHER is a good tool, I will try it.
I can't open http://cdwscience.blogspot.com/2013/03/bioinformatics-101-gene-expression.html. Could send me again or send me a text?
I think you may just need to refresh your browser or something like that.
If it helps, here is the parent page:
and here is the relevant text portion of the link:
Transcription Factor Motif Analysis:
IPA Upstream Regulator Analysis *Commercial tool that searches for enrichment of known targets for regulatory genes and molecules (such as transcription factors) *Can also detect if targets are consistent with activation or inhibition of the regulator
SCOPE *free tool that identifies upstream motifs enriched for gene lists *works on a wide variety of species, so it is useful for motif finding in less commonly studies organisms
Whole Genome rVISTA - calculate enrichment of transcription factor motifs predicted based upon evolutionary conservation
TRED (Transcriptional Regulatory Element Database) - database from CSHL for transcription factors. Includes target gene lists for transcription factors in human, mouse, and rat
TRANSFAC - database of transcription factor motif sequences. There are commercial and open-source versions of the database
JASPAR - open-source database of transcription factor motif sequences