I am using bamread in matlab to read a bam file that I downloaded from 1000G. In the website it says all the reads are mapped to reference sequence called "GRCh37" which make sense. But when I try to read it in matlab, it's syntax is
The problem is this RefSeq in bamread, doesn't recognize "GRCh37" whatsoever! then I tried to pass refseq code such as 1 or 2 or ... it works but I think I'm missing sth. How do I make sure that the reads are exactly mapped to reference GRCh37 while I don't see it in the bam file?
Thanks in advance!
The point of confusion seems to be that GRCh37 is not a single sequence but multiple chromosomes which are usually named in bam files as 1, 2, ..., 22, X, Y