We've done RNA-Seq on 32 breast tumor RNAs; for the most part the RIN values were more than adequate for RNA-Seq. Strand-specific libraries were made and paired-end 100 bp reads performed. Our Bioinformatics core gave us the QC report for RNA-Seq analysis of the RNAs. They told us that the data quality is not very good based on the relatively low % mapped reads (<80%) and the significant drop off in read quality after 60 bp. All 32 samples looked similar so I doubt the problem is quality of the RNA samples. Does this result suggest that there was some systematic problem with the library preparation and/or sequencing.
It could have been an issue during transfer to the facility, library creation, or sequencing. Lacking further details, it's tough to know which (even with more details, it can be difficult to know for sure). BTW, when you say that the RIN values were good, what sort of values are we talking about?
Thank you for your help. The RIN values ranged from 7.2 - 9.5. Both the mean and median RIN values were 8.5.