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11.2 years ago
I am working in Python and performing Ka/Ks (dN/dS) ratio analysis.
I would like to ask for any suggestions for how to go about performing "within gene" or "sliding window" Ka/Ks analysis, such that a Ka/Ks ratio can be given for positions along the gene sequence.
This MATLAB tutorial really sums up exactly what I need, but I am obliged by my boss to use Python.
Anticipated output example
Extra info
- I am using Python2.7 and often use Biopython
- My users are likely to run the programs from Windows machines
Doing sliding window dn/ds analyses is not a good idea: http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0003746
thank you very much for this gem @karl.schmid, but indeed we plan to use sliding windows more for visual understanding as the paper suggests
Hi, 5 years later I have the exact same problem...did you figure it out? Thanks in advance