Hello everybody. From the mouse genome at Ensembl, I would like to be able to retrieve the annotation tracks (as .bed files) displayed by the Ensemb genome browser. In particular I would like to know if it is possible to accomplish that task without using the Perl API (my problem is simply that I am currently not able to do that, even if I plan to learn in a longer term). Practically, I am looking for something analogous to the UCSC Table Browser. Ensembl BioMart does not list all the annotation tracks which can be loaded configuring the display options of the Ensembl genome browser. Thanks in advance.
Thanks a lot. This time I was looking for the 37way_eutherian_mammals track, and I found it in the FTP site. In general, anyway, it is nice for me to be able to handle this type of problem. The Perl API is simply too much for my current tasks (I do not even know the Perl language, and I still have to clarify myself lots of fundamental concepts regarding connections).