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11.0 years ago
HI, i would like to generate short reads that cover all the genome and that have no mutations, indels, or other artifacts from a fasta file genome.
I tried wgsim with the following command line and it still generated reads with some indels
wgsim -e 0 -d 800 -N 700000 -1 270 -2 270 -r 0 -R 0 -X 0 alignments/SS52_FINAL.fasta ss52_1.fastq ss52_2.fastq
why don't you try metasim? It's for metagenomics but can also generate reads from a single genome. And you can choose option that applies non errors, and uniform length
I suggest you send a report to the developer (maybe a bug?). From what I see, seems like you correctly set to zero all the possible parameters introducing SNPs or indels. I don't know metasim, suggested by @matija.sosic, but it might be worth a try. Also, is it possible that for some strange reason some reads that could be mapped perfectly to a position are erroneously mapped to a different position with an indel? It shouldn't be possible, but it also depends on the aligner...
I verified that it is a bug of wgsim and not some aligner artifact.