How To Bulk Retrieve Dna Fasta Given Gene Uids?
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10.9 years ago
random26078 ▴ 20

I have read the post here Program or script to go from partial protein sequence to DNA and read through the eutilities manual but I am unsure how to use the 'history' parameter with my data which I understand that I need to use because I want to retrieve a huge number of nucleotide sequences.

I have a file of > 800,000 UIDs with one gene UID per line. I want to retrieve the DNA fasta file from NCBI for each UID.

Here is what I have tried. This works on a short list but my list of over 800,000 UIDs is too big. I don't understand where to include the history parameters for my search and retrieval which I believe will allow me to download all of the fasta files I need. Can anyone tell me how I should incorporate this in my script?

use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::Perl;
use Bio::DB::EUtilities;

# this needs to be a list of EntrezGene unique IDs
my @ids = qw(3974211 1343189 2657315 7871523 6394675 3289281 11593755 11702744 12745110 12932362);

#open my $UIDLIST, '<', 'E:/uid-list.txt';
open my $OUT, '>', 'E:/gene-uid-list.fasta';

my $eutil   = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil => 'esummary',
                                       -email => '',
                                   -db    => 'gene',
                                   -id    => \@ids);

my $fetcher = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil   => 'efetch',
                                   -email => '',
                                   -db      => 'nucleotide',
                                   -rettype => 'fasta');

while (my $docsum = $eutil->next_DocSum) {
    # to ensure we grab the right ChrStart information, we grab the Item above
    # it in the Item hierarchy (visible via print_all from the eutil instance).
    my ($item) = $docsum->get_Items_by_name('GenomicInfoType');
    my %item_data = map {$_ => 0} qw(ChrAccVer ChrStart ChrStop);

    while (my $sub_item = $item->next_subItem) {
        if (exists $item_data{$sub_item->get_name}) {
            $item_data{$sub_item->get_name} = $sub_item->get_content;
    # check to make sure everything is set
    for my $check (qw(ChrAccVer ChrStart ChrStop)) {
        die "$check not set" unless $item_data{$check};

    my $strand = $item_data{ChrStart} > $item_data{ChrStop} ? 2 : 1;
    printf("Retrieving %s, from %d-%d, strand %d\n", $item_data{ChrAccVer},

    $fetcher->set_parameters(-id => $item_data{ChrAccVer},
                         -seq_start => $item_data{ChrStart} + 1,
                         -seq_stop  => $item_data{ChrStop} + 1,
                         -strand    => $strand);
    #print $OUT $fetcher->get_Response->content;
close $OUT; #close $UIDLIST; exit;
bioperl perl eutils gene • 4.0k views
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Have you read the Bioperl EUtilities Cookbook? In particular, the section "How do I retrieve a long list of sequences using a query?"

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Yes, I have read that section. My problem with using a history is that all of my UIDs are in a file I have locally. I am not retrieving the UIDs through an efetch call.

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10.9 years ago
random26078 ▴ 20

I made some adjustments to my script and have it working. My only problem now is that I keep getting Bad Gateway errors. My revised code is below. Does anyone have a better way to retrieve >800,000 DNA sequences from a list of UID gene ids?

use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::Perl;
use Bio::DB::EUtilities;

#This script takes as input a list of UIDs, one per line
#and returns the DNA fasta sequence.

my @uid;

open my $OUT, '>', 'E:/gene-uid-list.fasta';
open my $UIDLIST, '<', 'E:/gene-uid-list.txt' or die "Could not open uid list file: $!\n";

    my $line = $_;
    chomp $line;
    push @uid, $line;
    my $eutil   = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil => 'esummary',
                                              -email => '',
                                             -db    => 'gene',
                                             -id    => \@uid);

 my $fetcher = Bio::DB::EUtilities->new(-eutil   => 'efetch',
                                          -email => '',
                                         -db      => 'nucleotide',
                                          -rettype => 'fasta');

while (my $docsum = $eutil->next_DocSum) {    # to ensure we grab the right ChrStart information, we grab the Item above it in the Item hierarchy (visible via print_all from the eutil instance).
    my ($item) = $docsum->get_Items_by_name('GenomicInfoType');
    my %item_data = map {$_ => 0} qw(ChrAccVer ChrStart ChrStop);    #creates a hash for each key (accession, start and stop) and sets their values to 0.

    while (my $sub_item = $item->next_subItem) {
        if (exists $item_data{$sub_item->get_name}) {
            $item_data{$sub_item->get_name} = $sub_item->get_content;    #gets the accession, chr start and chr stop coordinates and sets the value for the key.
# check to make sure everything is set
    for my $check (qw(ChrAccVer ChrStart ChrStop)) {
        die "$check not set" unless $item_data{$check};

    my $strand = $item_data{ChrStart} > $item_data{ChrStop} ? 2 : 1;
    printf("Retrieving %s, from %d-%d, strand %d\n", $item_data{ChrAccVer},

    $fetcher->set_parameters(-id => $item_data{ChrAccVer},
                             -seq_start => $item_data{ChrStart} + 1,
                              -seq_stop  => $item_data{ChrStop} + 1,
                              -strand    => $strand);
    print $OUT $fetcher->get_Response->content;
sleep 1;    #wait one second 
pop @uid;    #discard the current UID off of the array.

close $OUT;
close $UIDLIST;

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I think the idea is to send all of your IDs to the server and retrieve them in batches, but I may be misunderstanding (I'll try to find out if this is true). The code above is sending one ID at a time, so you would still be making >800,000 queries.

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10.9 years ago
biostar ▴ 170

If you have stand-alone BLAST in your computer then you can do it easily using the following command..

blastdbcmd -db database_name -dbtype nucl/proc -entry_batch file_with_uid.txt
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Using the BLAST+ blastdbcmd is a good idea but won't work in my case. I am using protein (gene) UIDs and I need to get nucleotide FASTA sequences that those proteins come from.


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