The Cancer Genomics Group studies the genetic and mutational basis of cancer with a focus on lymphoma and leukaemia.
You will work with high throughput sequencing data derived from lymphomas and leukaemias. You will create a database integrating somatic mutations, germline variation and RNA expression and build a web interface to simplify access to the data. You will also develop novel approaches for the analysis and visualisation of these datasets. Tools developed would be published as an R package and/or online database.
You will also spend a small portion of your time working in the laboratory to better understand the process by which biological data is generated.
Main duties / key responsibilities:
- Contribution toward the group’s computational infrastructure, algorithms and software
- Publish data and software tools
- Participation in training by providing advice and information to members of the group
- To collaborate with affiliated scientists and other researchers within the MRC, Imperial College and elsewhere as appropriate.
Location: MRC Clinical Sciences Centre at Imperial College London's Hammersmith Hospital Campus
Apply at the following website: