Hi everyone, I tried to align one of my reference genes with its contigs using Mauve, MAFFT, emboss needle etc, but could not get it aligned locally (I also needed to show the aligned sequences) . Is there any program I can use to do the local pairwise alignment of multiple sequences?? I just need to map the contigs to my reference gene and find the UTR regions and introns. Any inputs would be appreciated on this.. Thanks!!
you may want to try MUMmer - plotting your gene(s) on Y and contigs on X. the tool would plot diagonal bands (where the common elements are) which can shed some light on how things are arranged and assembled.
Thanks Pavel! I already tried this, but I also need to show the alignment of all sequences locally. I might need to do it manually using SeAl..
Which command line did you use to generate a plot like this? Thanks