Hi,Am new here to the group and probably my first question as a Newbie to RNA seq data analysis. I have three question to ask here.
May i get any workflow to process my FASTQ file and get expression analysis (this is basic question I know but am not aware which tool i have to use and there are many for each and I want to know what are all the steps involve in Raw Data analysis like preprocessing or Quality Control check.
I could like to know how i can convert this RNA seq to Protein Seq is there any tool already available or we need to programme by ourself(if Yes, Then please let me know what's the science behind these conversion and how does it work. this will help me to code my program by myself).
How many junction protein is there in Human( all type of junction like exon junction or alternative junction analysis protein etc) I will be more happy if i get any reference paper which illustrate the number of Junction.
Wish to hear from you and Thanks in advance.