I have a single gene and I would like to predict which transcription factor acts on its promoter. Any clue how to go about that would be appreciated.
I have a single gene and I would like to predict which transcription factor acts on its promoter. Any clue how to go about that would be appreciated.
You could use PWMs from the JASPAR database and apply them to your promoter region (restricting your analysis to conserved regions will reinforce the predictions). To do so, you can use the ORCAtk website at http://cisreg.cmmt.ubc.ca/cgi-bin/ORCAtk/orca
Feel free to ask if you have any further question.
I suggest CONSITE. Select the "Analyze single sequence" option. Enter the promoter sequence for your gene of interest and (optionally) the cDNA sequence. In the next step you may want to select only TFs for your species of interest. After you hit the 'Analyze...' button, I like to look at the sequence view.
try with SwissRegulon: http://swissregulon.unibas.ch/fcgi/sr/swissregulon
it is based on phylogenetic conservation, ChIP data and annotation of binding sites from the literature. you can look up for a gene and you get directly to its promoter region. then you can download the data about TFBS.
You can search for transcription factors in promoter sequences (at your desired confidence interval) via gene symbol using TRED:
For plants, you can try PlantRegMap, which predicts TF binding sites based on sets of manually curated, non-redundant, high-quality TF binding motifs derived from experiments.
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You have a single __? Gene I presume? Please edit to make your question complete.