Hi all, I have a list of Arabidopsis Gene ID and want to get pathway analysis in KEGG(http://www.genome.jp/kegg/kegg2.html). Since only NCBI GeneID, NCBI-gi and UniProt is accessible KEGG GENES Entry Name, I want a method to convert Arabidopsis Gene ID to NCBI GeneID, NCBI-gi or UniProt.
It's always a good idea to try Biomart. Version for plants: http://www.gramene.org/biomart/martview/ea115ee510b63cb6b1680c47ebec3440
What do your Arabidopsis Gene ID look like ? From what database is it coming from ?
For example: AT5G59370 AT4G37770 AT4G33090 AT4G09650 AT1G61820 AT4G24890 AT2G35040 AT5G06100
This should work for you; http://bit.ly/pEq7LO. Just look for the specific IDs you need from the guide.