I generated diff files following the differential-gene though I don't understand the biological meaning of the output file and what can I do with it. I've installed cummerbund and read the manual of cummerbund and cuffdiff but I want to know the biological meaning of the diff file. For example, does it mean that we have more transcripts with higher FPKMx, or, a negative log2 means downregulated meanwhile positive log2 means upregulated? Can anyone explain to me the biological meaning of columns 7 to 13?*
** Here is what I found from cuffdiff manual:
Column number Column name Example Description
1 Tested id XLOC_000001 A unique identifier describing the transcipt, gene, primary transcript, or CDS being tested
2 gene Lypla1 The gene_name(s) or gene_id(s) being tested
3 locus chr1:4797771-4835363 Genomic coordinates for easy browsing to the genes or transcripts being tested.
4 sample 1 Liver Label (or number if no labels provided) of the first sample being tested
5 sample 2 Brain Label (or number if no labels provided) of the second sample being tested
6 Test status NOTEST Can be one of OK (test successful), NOTEST (not enough alignments for testing), LOWDATA (too complex or shallowly sequenced), HIDATA (too many fragments in locus), or FAIL, when an ill-conditioned covariance matrix or other numerical exception prevents testing.
7 FPKMx 8.01089 FPKM of the gene in sample x
8 FPKMy 8.551545 FPKM of the gene in sample y
9 log2(FPKMy/FPKMx) 0.06531 The (base 2) log of the fold change y/x
10 test stat 0.860902 The value of the test statistic used to compute significance of the observed change in FPKM
11 p value 0.389292 The uncorrected p-value of the test statistic
12 q value 0.985216 The FDR-adjusted p-value of the test statistic
13 significant no Can be either "yes" or "no", depending on whether p is greater then the FDR after Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiple-testing
Thank you for answering, though I've spend days on it reading stuff that explains everything up to cuffdiff. I can't seem to find any good paper or website/tutorials explaining what to do after cuffdiff and how to interpret the output file of cuffdiff. I'm a whole genome specialist and never did any RNAseq work before so this is pretty new to me.
Anyhow, my main question is really to understand what does it mean biologically, for example, to have such p-value or q-value? I insist on the "biologically".