So I'm kind of tired of always using these online conversions that have a limit for how long the input list is . . . .
Is there anywhere where I can download a file (like through UCSC Table Browser or something) to get every single transcript, gene, and gene symbol in mm10
In this format:
ENSMUSTxxxxx [tab] ENSMUGxxxxx [tab] Upf1
ENSMUSTxxxxx [tab] ENSMUGxxxxx [tab] Upf2
ENSMUSTxxxxx [tab] ENSMUGxxxxx [tab] Upf3a
ENSMUSTxxxxx [tab] ENSMUGxxxxx [tab] Upf3b
ENSMUSTxxxxx [tab] ENSMUGxxxxx [tab] Smg1
you're a BOSS! thanks this is exactly what i was looking for