I am using Abyss for assembling paired end Illimuna metagenomic data after comparing forward and reverse reads in two different files and left owers in two other seperate files as follows:
abyss-pe -j10 k=41 n=2 name=Assembly_1 lib='lib1' lib1='../Common_forword_1.fq ../Common_reverse_2.fq' se='../Forword_unique_1.fq ../Reverse_unique_2.fq'
I got the assmebled contigs.
Now when I wish to join the common reads in forward and reverse reads and give it to Abyss for assembly to check if there's some imporvement over the one I already gave.
I have combined all common reads in forward and reverse reads in a single file, concatenated with flash not combined reads and unique forward and unique reverse reads and gave abyss to assemble.
abyss-pe -j10 k=41 n=2 name=Assembly_1 se='../K5_Flash_Combined_NC_FU_RU.fastq'
But the problem is that when I give it to Abyss, it starts assembly, compleats it but dosen't give any contige file.
I was wondering why? Any suggestions will be helpful. Am I doing it wrong? I am new to this so please suggest anything I can try. Thanks a lot.
Thanks for the response and the link.
I did the basic filtering of the data with respect to the quality control. Sorry about the missing information.
The data is from a contaminated sewage water, so should be quite enriched and complex in term of taxonomic complexity, but that's a presumption. You are right in saying that I need to do a bit of more homework with respcet of the choice of assembly process. Abyss was the first one I tried and it seems working fine and I intended to explore variation with hope of improving assembly. I did assembly again providing joined combined FLASH reads as single end reads along with the left overs in seperate file, but with same results, no contigs file. Was wondering how FLASH combined reads are given to Abyss along with the leftovers. Going to try some other assemblers.
Once again thanks for the link, I am out to explore :).