We are happy to announce the new release of PhylomeDB. PhylomeDB is currently the largest repository of pre-computed phylogenies and provides evolutionary computations for >10 million proteins in 1000 species.
We have implemented a new integrated visualisation layout. For each tree, tree topology (c), taxonomic data (d), alignments and domain annotations (e) and event-age (phylostratigraphy) information are rendered using the newest visualization features provided by the ETE.
In addition, we have introduced Phylome collections that group sets of similar phylomes e.g. Plants, Fungi, Vertebrates or Bacteria collections.
Orthology and paralogy relationships are reported from the updated release of MetaPhOrs.
Finally, we have improved the web-based linking API allowing for direct links to trees and phylomes, as well as highlighting custom nodes within a tree topology.
More details can be found in PhylomeDB4 announcement and Help pages. We will be grateful, if you could fill the survey.