Okay. Here is another solution:
1, if you don't know where to find -i asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh
, then rebuild aspera ascp
, how to rebuild ascp (no root required, I use linux::Centos as an example, but ubuntu should be exactly same):
2, First download aspera ascp with the following command:
wget -qO- https://download.asperasoft.com/download/sw/connect/3.9.8/ibm-aspera-connect- | tar xvz
3, install it with this command:./ibm-aspera-connect-
4, add ascp to you PATH with this command: export PATH=~/.aspera/connect/bin:$PATH
5, if you want to download data from dbGAP, you will receive -W TOKEN-STRING
in you dbGAP accout.
6, download data from dbGAP with this following -i and -W
ascp -QTr -l 300M -k 1 -i ~/.aspera/connect/etc/asperaweb_id_dsa.openssh -W **** dbtest@gap-upload.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:data/instant/sguo2jnj/77384 ./
7, last step, Decrypting Non-SRA Data with vdb-decrypt
and NGC
for i in `ls *_enc`
echo \#\!/bin/bash > $i.job
echo \#SBATCH -p shared >> $i.job
echo \#SBATCH --mail-type=END,FAIL >> $i.job
echo \#SBATCH --time 02:30:00 >> $i.job
echo \#SBATCH --output $i.o >> $i.job
echo \#SBATCH --nodes 1 >> $i.job
echo \#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=1 >> $i.job
echo vdb-decrypt --ngc prj_26365.ngc $i >> $i.job
sbatch $i.job
rm $i.job
If you have further question, try to contact me.
I have tried (change putty to openssh),and it works:
What's the difference between
? are they same?Same problem happened here. I applied dbGAP data and was required to use
to download it to my Linux server (Centos 7.0)1, here, I am little confuse about several different keys:
dbGAP account passwd
,dbGaP repository key
,Linux Server Key
,ssh-keygen generated keys
2, I have tried to use
generated byssh-keygen
, but none of them work.Here is the command I used to download it (* is used to replace for confidential)
Hope to obtain some suggestion or help. Thanks.
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