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10.9 years ago
I'm new with population genetics and I have allelic frequency data for 50 loci in 9 different populations and I need to compare the data between those populations but I don´t know any software to do that. I tried Arlequin but it only lets me input data for one locus at a time and I need all 50 loci at once.
If someone could help me with that I will be very grateful!
Arlequin can use multiple loci, as can the the amova function in the R library
: what exactly does your data look like, and what' the problem with getting it into arlequin?I have frequency data from each allele per locus (50 biallelic loci) and I need to compare all loci at once and not locus per locus. Arlequin manual says single-locus treatment only, for allele frequency data so I have to create one project for each locus right?
Example of my data:
locus 2
And so....
You need per-indivudal genotypes to do AMOVA, as it needs to estimate within-population variance. The aggergated frequencies don't give us that.
I thought about that...
Anyway thank you for you help