Hi, I recently found very helpful http://cancergenome.broadinstitute.org/ portal to find out which gene is mutated in which cancer, frequencies and vice versa. But I can't find out how to determine frequencies for the combinations of genes. For example, based on data from this portal PTEN is mutated in 7% of all cancers and in 30% of gliobastomas. Rb is mutated in 3% of all patients and in 8% of glioblastomas. But what will be the easiest way for non bioinformatician to find out the frequency of patients with both Pten and Rb mutation in general population, in glioblastomas and in other cancers?
Thanks for your help! Andrey
Do you know any way to do this for a larger group of genes? I have a list of 700 genes that I would like to retrieve this information for..