I'm trying to run ABSOLUTE v 1.0.6 on my tumor exome seq + copy number data. The copy numbers are inferred from low-pass was and I generated somatic mutation calls using mutect and converted to MAF with @Cyriac Kandoths excellent converter. When I run ABSOLUTE using the CNV data only, it's all file and gives me nice output.
However, when I add the MAF file, it breaks saying
Error in CreateMutCnDat(maf, seg.dat, min.mut.af, verbose = verbose) :
Malformed MAF file, no ref column supplied
In the source code of ABSOLUTE I understand that I need columns for number of reads supporting the ref and alt alleles which makes perfect sense since it need to estimate frequencies and their variability.
My issue is that I don't have these columns. The MAF spec doesn't mention them (https://wiki.nci.nih.gov/display/TCGA/Mutation+Annotation+Format+%28MAF%...) and I unable to find any info on what kind of MAF files absolute wants.
So, two questions if anyone has insight:
- Is MAF still the way to go when using SNV data in ABSOLUTE? Is development ongoing using VCF?
- Which columns should be added to the MAF for compatibility with ABSOLUTE? I have VCF files with all info on counts etc, and the BAMs if I need further info.
I also posted at the Broad Cancer Help forum, but that seems to be a low-activity forum compared to biostars.
Do you know where I can find documentation about how to run ABSOLUTE on exome-seq data? Maybe you could also comment on this thread: Anyone has a working example on how to run Broad's ABSOLUTE on exome sequencing data?
I modified @Cyriacs script to add the required columns for ABSOLUTE. Note that I have yet to test run ABSOLUTE downstream, so this should be considered a first step. https://github.com/dakl/vcf2maf
Hi Danielk, did you finally got the ABSOLUTE run?
I also used the MAF file together with the segmented file to feed, but only got the error reporting:
I actually set the min.mut.af value when using the maf.fn, not very clear where should be the problem.