Hi Biostars!
I have a list of gene symbols (in excel or txt file) and I would like to get a BED file containing all the TSS positions of that list. How can I do that?
Hi Biostars!
I have a list of gene symbols (in excel or txt file) and I would like to get a BED file containing all the TSS positions of that list. How can I do that?
Try this command: I am assuming that you want the TSS for hg19. Change it to mm10 in the command below if you are working on mouse.
mysql \
--user=genome \
-N \
--host=genome-mysql.cse.ucsc.edu \
-A \
-D hg19 \
-e "select ensGene.name, name2, chrom, strand, txStart, value from ensGene, ensemblToGeneName where ensGene.name = ensemblToGeneName.name"
Go to this link
http://genome.ucsc.edu/cgi-bin/hgTables?hgsid=364666683 (This will take you to the table browser of UCSC genome browser)
To get the TSS based on Ensembl Genes set the following:
Click "get output"
Check the fields that you want to be displayed (here are some that I would select)
Click "get output"
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Thanks Ashutosh,
Is it possible to output a file with genes, location and known variants from genome browser?
How many genes you are talking about? If it is a large number then downloading the dbSNP data and then using bedtools to intersect it with a gtf file will be much easier. Otherwise you can try Biomart (ensembl.org/biomart/). Under Attributes you can select Variation and in the Filters section you can give a list of genes that you are interested in.
Hi I am having the same issue but when I "paste list" of my inputs, I am getting errors. This is the format for my gene list
Could you please post the error message? Without that information is is nearly impossible for anyone to help you.