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11.0 years ago
I was looking for a script that runs a Galaxy workflow as a simple command line tool: uploads the file, runs a workflow, downloads the file.
Descriptions of this process are scattered through different forums and pretty incomplete. So I wrote a simple script with BioBlend that does that. You need to create a galaxy workflow, add the Input dataset element (the Workflow control at the very bottom of the list of the tools), configure the ids and paths in the script.
import sys
import os
from bioblend.galaxy import GalaxyInstance
from bioblend.galaxy.histories import HistoryClient
from bioblend.galaxy.tools import ToolClient
from bioblend.galaxy.workflows import WorkflowClient
from bioblend.galaxy.datasets import DatasetClient
#Execute workflow from the command line.
#Example calls:
#python run_workflow.py input output
#python run_workflow.py '/Users/pro/Documents/sandbox/data/reads/e_coli_1000.fq' '/Users/pro/Documents/sandbox/data/reads/ecoli.bed'
GALAXY_URL = 'http://localhost:8082/'
API_KEY = '1fbb3a586ff63534e6c4536e598c6bee'
WORKFLOW_ID = 'f2db41e1fa331b3e'
TOOL_ID_IN_GALAXY = 'gears_tool'
def findDatasedIdByExtention(datasetClient, output, ext):
id = ''
for datasetId in output['outputs']:
dataset = datasetClient.show_dataset(datasetId)
if dataset['file_ext'] == ext:
id = datasetId
return id
def downloadDataset(datasetClient, datasetId, outpath):
if datasetId != '':
datasetClient.download_dataset(datasetId, outpath, False, True)
print 'Dataset id %s not found. Fail to download dataset to % s.' % (datasetId, outpath)
def main():
input_path = sys.argv[1]
output_path = sys.argv[2]
galaxyInstance = GalaxyInstance(url = GALAXY_URL, key=API_KEY)
historyClient = HistoryClient(galaxyInstance)
toolClient = ToolClient(galaxyInstance)
workflowClient = WorkflowClient(galaxyInstance)
datasetClient = DatasetClient(galaxyInstance)
history = historyClient.create_history('tmp')
uploadedFile = toolClient.upload_file(input_path, history['id'] )
workflow = workflowClient.show_workflow(WORKFLOW_ID)
dataset_map = {workflow['inputs'].keys()[0]: {'id': uploadedFile['outputs'][0]['id'], 'src': 'hda'}}
params = {TOOL_ID_IN_GALAXY: {'param': 'reference_genome', 'value': 'hg19'}}
output = workflowClient.run_workflow(WORKFLOW_ID, dataset_map, params, history['id'])
downloadDataset(datasetClient, findDatasedIdByExtention(datasetClient, output, 'bed'), output_path)
#delete history
#if galaxy instance support dataset purging
#historyClient.delete_history(history['id'], True)
except IndexError:
print 'usage: %s key url workflow_id history step=src=dataset_id' % os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if __name__ == '__main__':
How do you find the workflow ID?
hi how do you find WORKFLOW_ID and TOOL_ID_IN_GALAXY? can I use the name of .ga file as WORKFLOW_ID?
Thanks F.
Please do not add an answer unless you're answering the top level post.This is a 6 year old question, there is not much chance that you'd get any answers here. Please open a new question in Galaxy help site.