I have generated TPM values using TPMCalculator on human samples, using ensembl genome. Now, I have a matrix of TPM values with rows as ensembl genes and columns as samples.
I converted the ensembl genes to HUGO genes and lost a lot of rows, as they do not have corresponding HUGO gene id's.
I wanted to know how we can handle TPM values now? TPM values usually sum up to million in a sample, but after conversion and losing few genes, the sum reduces to about half a million.
Is it ok to use this new TPM matrix which has fewer genes for further analysis? If not, what are the possible solutions?
Thanks for the help!
What does your "further analysis" entail? This is a common issue, and where possible, it's usually best to retain the original gene IDs somehow and use the gene symbols for labelling/an additional column downstream.
It involves running immunedeconv and unfortunately it needs HUGO id's.