I'm trying to removed annotations for the heat map legend.
Originally this what the heatmap looks like using the following code:
pheatmap(M.adj, annotation_col = conds, #dropData set
border_color = NA, filename = "QC/QCheatmap.pdf", color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n=11, name="RdBu")))(100),
cluster_cols = TRUE, show_rownames = FALSE, main=paste("Gene Expression (VST) of Top 1000 Variable Genes") )
when I drop my "dataset" colm using the following piece of code, my legends is cutoff.
pheatmap(M.adj, annotation_col = conds[2,drop=F], #dropData set
border_color = NA, filename = "QC/QCheatmap.pdf", color = colorRampPalette(rev(brewer.pal(n=11, name="RdBu")))(100),
cluster_cols = TRUE, show_rownames = FALSE, main=paste("Gene Expression (VST) of Top 1000 Variable Genes") )
anyone know how I can make it so that my legend is not cut off in the second heat map?
Hi rodolfo! Thank you!! I'll try what you suggested. I got around it by making the naming conventions of my conditions shorter. I'll try what you suggested and to see if I can keep the length of my conditions.
Thank you for you time:)