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4.0 years ago
Hi, i am working on ubuntu CLI and have run the recent version of gemini tool (0.30.2). I was able to create the gemini .db using the load command (I did not have a ped file). For further annotation and efficient variant queries, i used the autosomal_recessive inheritance pattern to detect the causative variants in a TRIO dataset but, this gives no results. I ran the command
> gemini autosomal_recessive gemini.db --filter "impact_severity = 'LOW'" --columns "max_aaf_all, chrom, start, ref, alt, impact, gene, clinvar_sig, clinvar_disease_name, clinvar_gene_phenotype, rs_ids" > output_filename
WARNING: no affecteds in family 0. skipping
I don't know what is going wrong. Is it due to missing ped file? or may be i have used the hg38 reference genome? Please guide.
Thanks in advance