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3.8 years ago
Hi, I am using GAPIT to do association analysis. I am trying to use GLM and MLM models for the same. The program runs fine until the generation of Manhattan plot step and then stops with the below error
Error in seq.default(1, nchr, by = ncycle) : invalid '(to - from)/by' In addition: There were 50 or more warnings (use warnings() to see the first 50)
I checked my chromosomes ID, they are numbered 1,2,3 etc and does not have a character except in the header.
The code used is as follows:
GAPIT_MLM <- GAPIT(Y=mypheno[,c(1,2)], G=mygeno, PCA.total=3, Geno.View.output=FALSE,model=c("GLM","MLM"))
Please let me know what could be causing the error. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Check the warnings, they might give some clue :
Thanks for your reply. The warnings() had only memory status notifications