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3.8 years ago
I have tried this script for the distance matrix calculator:
from Bio import Phylo, AlignIO
from Bio.Phylo.TreeConstruction import DistanceCalculator, DistanceTreeConstructor
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Read in alignment
aln = AlignIO.read("C://Users//USER//Desktop/63_sequences.fasta","fasta")
# Calculate the distance matrix
calculator = DistanceCalculator('identity')
dm = calculator.get_distance(aln)
# Visualize neighbor joined tree
constructor = DistanceTreeConstructor()
tree = constructor.nj(dm)
matplotlib.rc('font', size=7)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 20), dpi=400)
axes = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
Phylo.draw(tree, axes=axes, do_show=False)
and it is giving me the following output:
10819d4184b7fe808f57b65a0e9174d1 0
eaf307555b1ef040e7155ad169ba3637 0.1775 0
99a30d2e520c0bb462c9d36594b679ef 0.5900000000000001 0.5725 0
8bb6ba264b60216d22b221d5c6c0992e 0.17500000000000004 0.015000000000000013 0.5675 0
But I want a distance matrix in proper format like: **
xcord ycord
Boston 5 7
Phoenix 7 3
New York 8 1
** How can I do it after implementing the biopython library?
Not sure if it is possible in biopython but I used this not that long ago. https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/manifold/plot_mds.html#sphx-glr-auto-examples-manifold-plot-mds-py (assuming you want x and y coordinates based on distances)