Hello everyone,
Here is my situation. I have some nucleotide sequences from which amino acid sequences were predicted using Prodigal. Then an hmmsearch of a target amino acid seqs was performed on the predicted a.a. seqs, and it returned a list of hits that are below an E-value threshold. Now I'd like to get the nucleotide seqs of the hits from hmmsearch, is there any software that can achieve this?
Thank you very much!
as said here before, without prior knowledge it is not possible to get the nucleotide sequence from a given protein sequence.
However, if the protein sequences you screened with the hmmsearch is against a DB of known proteins (eg. from the human genome) you can perhaps back-trace the nucleotide sequence based on the protein IDs.
Thank you for your answer Lieven, do you have any idea what tool should I use to back-trace the nucleotide sequences?
no tool required, I was thinking along the line of looking up the IDs in the DBs.