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3.9 years ago
I performed LRT test for my RNAseq data and I obtained some clusters. I performed enrichement analysis using ClusterProfile packasge (enricher, groupGO, enrichKEGG ecc) and i wanted to plot my results through barplot() function.
ggo <- list(BP = list(),
CC = list(),
MF = list())
for (go in names(ggo)) {
for (i in names(clusters_list)) {
ggo[[go]][[i]] <-(groupGO(gene= myset[[i]]$ENTREZID,
OrgDb = org.Hs.eg.db,
ont = go,
level = 8,
readable = TRUE))
png(filename = paste0("GroupGO_plot/GroupGO_",go,"_lvl8.png"), width = 12, height = 9,
units = "in", res = 300)
barplot(ggo[[go]], drop = TRUE)
ggo[[go]] <- as.data.frame(ggo[[go]])
write.xlsx(x = ggo[[go]], file = paste0("GroupGO_",go,"_lvl8.xlsx"), asTable = T)
I want to show categories with high number of genes or padjust as order (from higher to lower). How can I plot in this way? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance