I am trying to generate a graph using variants on chromosome 21 in 1000 genomes data with vg. I have run the below command to generate a graph using vg,
vg construct -t 10 -r hg38_chr21.fa -v ALL.chr21.shapeit2_integrated_snvindels_v2a_27022019.GRCh38.phased_chr21.vcf >1000g_chr21.vg
Then I run the below command to generate a graph image,
vg find -n 157618 -c 2 -x 1000g_chr21.vg | vg view -dp - | dot -Tsvg -o 1000g_chr21.svg
But I am not able to see any variants in the figure. Only what I can see is a stretch of edges with nodes. Please help me to figure out the issue here?