Hello I have generated two sorted bam files using minimap2 with the flag -ax asm5. Each of the files is a comparison of an assembled genome from a specific individual to a reference genome. I used bcftools mpileup and bcftools call to call variants:
bcftools mpileup -Ou -f ref.fasta ind1.bam ind2.bam | bcftools call -Ov -m >var.vcf
In the vcf file I get GT 0/1 0/1 on positions where I see in IGV browser that one of the genotypes have SNP while the other does not. I guess that bcftools pipeline in not designed to call variants with 1 read depth. Is there a way to call variants with 1 read depth using bcftools? Is there a better alternative? I do not have the raw reads from which these individual assemblies were generated. Thank you
To call variants from whole genome alignment you may want to look at other tools like minimap2-paftools or MUMmer-dnadiff