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3.7 years ago
We already have sequence reads aligned to a reference genome. How can we extract the final reads that map to a specific gene? To make it clear I want to make a consensus sequence from the reads aligned to each gene. SAMTOOLS suggests the command:
samtools mpileup -uf ref.fa aln.bam | bcftools view -cg - | vcfutils.pl vcf2fq
But it gives many wearied characters after + sign of sequence.
I will thankful if anyone kindly guides me.
Generating consensus sequence from bam file
How to get consensus sequences in FASTA format from BAM
create consensus sequence from bam file
How To Generate A Consensus Fasta Sequence From Sam Tools Pileup?
I think the "wearied characters" you are talking about are fastq quality score values. Note that
outputs fastq, not fasta..